Your colleagues, customers and clients are all members of your team, and when you make them part of your tribe, the sky really is the limit!
Every human being living on planet earth today is a direct descendant of an ancient tribe that understood the importance of community, connection and creating bonds that couldn’t be broken. It’s time to bring this knowledge back into modern society so that we can thrive individually, organizationally and as a world!
Teams talk about the weather.
Tribes talk about what matters.

Create deeper bonds between departments, while meeting with a customer, during performance reviews, when networking at conferences, during interviews with new candidates, and more!
It's your super power to use!
Communicating with others through friendly and polite conversation produces predictable results. Organizations that equip their people with the ability to connect on a personal level through the exchange of fascinating ideas, stories and perspectives reach targets beyond imagination.
Why get Tribe Certified?
Studies show that when maximized, meaningful relationships at work can lead to 21% greater profits.
70% of people say deeper relationships with colleagues was the most important factor to a happy work life.
Research of over 700 buyers representing $3.1 billion in annual B2B purchases across multiple industries found that sales winners make strong personal connections at more than double the rate of second-place finishers.
A sense of belonging leads to a 56% increase in job performance, a 50% reduction in turnover risk and a 75% decrease in sick days.
76% of B2B buyers said that their decision to purchase from a vendor was based on trust built within their working relationship.
Organizations with more human connection are 5.4 times more likely to be agile, 3.2 times more likely to have satisfied customers, and 2.3 times more likely to have engaged employees.
Organizations that create an inclusive space for employees from a diverse background to connect improve group performance by up to 30%
73% of customers believe their personal connection to the seller plays a vital role in purchasing decisions.
58% of employees would choose meaningful relationships at work over higher paying positions somewhere else.
Outside of work, meaningful social relationships decrease blood pressure, lower stress, improve mental health, and significantly lower a person’s risk of disease.
Get Tribe Certified and put this research into action, while hitting targets you didn't think were possible.
How it works.
Gaining the skills of establishing deeper connections, increased trust and greater belonging can happen in three short months. The Tribe Certification Program seamlessly integrates into the daily operations of your participants, so that they can keep doing their important work, while adding meaningful connection points along the way.
Phase 1
With over twenty-five years of experience helping people build meaningful relationships, we know the questions to ask that will help us discover the areas where connections can improve. A direct link will be sent to the participants taking them to a survey that will offer a comprehensive view of how people feel about the strength of their current professional and personal connections.
Once completed, the results of the survey will be analyzed by our group of experts to identify the exciting opportunities available to help create new connection points. A soft copy of the findings will be sent to your leadership team, followed by a video meeting with communication expert, Stuart Knight to discuss how the results will be implemented into the overall program.
Phase 2
Stuart Knight, founder of Tribe Certified, is a global guru on meaningful human connection, and will kick off the launch of this program with a live keynote for all employees involved in the program. Having worked with everyone from CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies, Oscar Award Winners, Sales Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Doctors to Front Line Staff, he understands what it takes to build relationships with people of every background. Having spoken to audiences from Australia, India, Europe to all across North America, Stuart has experienced the thread within all humanity that establishes a culture of meaningful connection.
During this customized launch of the Tribe Certified Program, Stuart will engage your entire group in a high energy, thought provoking and hilarious presentation that will act as an exciting wake up call to the role meaningful connections play in their lives. By addressing both their professional and personal relationships, Stuart will lift the veil and open their eyes to the exciting changes they will experience individually and organizationally when they open up to deeper connections. Even those averse to change will be motivated to get on board. He’s spoken to over one million people worldwide, so you are in good hands!
Phase 3
As with all exciting new initiatives, people want to know their leaders are fully on board, and are willing to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. The Tribe Certified Program helps you do just that by giving one of your leaders the opportunity to engage in a deeper conversation with Stuart Knight. It’s their chance to demonstrate their belief in the importance of connecting authentically, so that other participants are given the confidence to do the same. This conversation will be pre-recorded before the keynote launch, and then shared within days of that presentation to keep the momentum going.
Phase 4
Before the benefits are felt as a whole, let’s make sure each individual is equipped with the skills to create the kinds of relationships that build tribes from the ground up. Over the next eight weeks, the Tribe Certified Program will ensure that happens by giving each individual private access to an online course that teaches them step by step how to do it.
Each week, participants will receive a short video lesson (About 15 mins) providing new communication skills that will help them build tribal connections in both their professional and personal lives. Each video is fun, interactive and entertaining. At the end of each lesson, participants are given easy to implement exercises that let them put their new skills into action throughout their workday without interfering with daily obligations.
Whether it’s at the beginning of a meeting, on the phone with a client or during the family dinner, these exercises help participants up their game, while working seamlessly into the conversations they are already having. With each passing week, their friendly connections will become fascinating, and slowly but surely, they will build a tribe.
Understand the specific emotions you want a person to feel when communicating with them in order to build trust.
Learn the difference between engaging in predictable friendly conversation with someone, compared to making them feel that you genuinely care about them as a person.
Discover the specific targets one should aim for in order to make others feel included, like they belong and that there is a shared goal for success.
Learn how to distinguish yourself from others by positively impacting people’s mental health by evoking authenticity, vulnerability and a common purpose.
Explore the five factors that move a conversation away from being an exchange of information, to one that feels like a true human experience.
Understand the multitude of ways eye contact and body language can be harnessed to develop strong social ties with key stakeholders.
Develop the skills to transform short interactions into a longer and meaningful dialogue.
Discover how to ask questions that give people a greater opportunity to share their story, while learning what is most important to them.
Gain a deeper understanding of how to delicately connect with others on the mutually shared trials and tribulations experienced by all human beings.
Realize the importance of intentionally creating an inspiring inner dialogue on a daily basis to establish greater personal resilience, fortitude and grit.
Learn how to better connect virtually with people working remotely from home.
Develop the skills necessary for building social networks that positively influence one's physical and mental health.
Phase 5
Don't worry, now that the heavy lifting is done, we've got your back both professionally and personally!
At this point in the program participants are aware of the crucial role meaningful connections play in their lives, have been inspired by watching their leaders go first, and are now fully trained with the skills to build tribal relationships. Now it’s time to use the plethora of resources below to integrate meaningful tribal connections at work, and within their home life.

Resources For Your Professional Life:

In Person and Virtual Meetings
A meeting is a moment in time where a group of people gather to discuss ideas, and then make decisions that will benefit the larger community. For centuries this is exactly what tribes did, but with much greater cohesion than modern teams do today. By incorporating the art of listening, storytelling and creating space for others, we will show your group how to transform in-person and virtual meetings into meaningful connection points tribes celebrated in the past.
Greetings and Goodbuys
Believe it or not, most people are really bad at saying hello and goodbye. For thousands of years, tribes understood the importance of greeting and leaving each other in ways that made them feel honoured and acknowledged. You can achieve the same feeling in the workplace with a few small changes, and we will teach you how to do it!

Superstar Sales People
For those working in sales, we have some nifty tricks and tips up our sleeve. As you know, the research is clear that people buy from those they respect, admire, value and like, but it's pretty hard to get there without some meaningful conversation. Unlocking this resource offers people working in sales new and exciting ways to connect with customers that will build the bonds they won't have with the competition!
Performance Reviews
Performance reviews should be one of the most valuable and rewarding experiences in an employee's journey. It’s about reflection, insight and an opportunity for growth. Human connection, and an employee's ability to build meaningful relationships, should not only be evaluated and taught during a performance review, it should also happen. This resource unlocks various ways to assess efforts made to connect with others, how to give feedback and approaches to take for the employee to leave feeling seen.

Tribe Building Events
Human connection must be consciously curated. Gathering your group in the boardroom to sing happy birthday to a colleague, or heading out to a bowling night during the holidays helps you build a team. Conversely, organizations who consistently bring people together face to face, or virtually throughout the year, with the clear intention of building stronger bonds by using a trusted framework build a tribe. This resource provides your organization with a tested infrastructure that is easy to follow, and will ensure relationships remain tribal throughout the year.
Company Meetings and Conferences
Tribe Certified founder, Stuart Knight, has spoken at thousands of conferences around the world and has always been baffled at the number of organizations who say they want attendees to connect in a meaningful way and then fall short of that mark.
They encourage people to network at the cocktail reception, they ask attendees to participate in icebreakers, or they take the group golfing. And by the end of the conference, the delegates of the event feel no stronger of a connection than they did when they walked in. Unlocking this resource will ensure this never happens again.
The first tool you will receive to create tribal connections at your conference is our trademarked “Human Hot Spot” QR code. Like a wifi hotspot, you can place this QR code throughout your event for attendees to scan to access specific questions that ignite powerful conversations and connections. As well, you will receive instructions on how to seamlessly incorporate meaningful dialogue into your event, all the way down to a script for your emcee to ensure all attendees are excited to participate.

Other resources we provide at work include...
Bringing belonging to onboarding
Conversation Clubs at Work
Storytelling Events
Human Trivia
Silo Jumping.
Passion Projects.
Off sight human connection events.
And more!
Resources for Your Personal Life:
We know that you understand the importance of helping your employees thrive not just professionally, but personally as well. Unlike other training modules that focus on helping people grow only at work, the Tribe Certified Program goes one step further by also shaping people’s relationships with friends, family, neighbours and more! The resources below can be used by participants anytime, anywhere to strengthen bonds with the people they care about the most! And don’t forget, it’s these connections that lead to greater physical and mental health!

Family Fun Time
Between making lunches, picking up the kids from school, soccer practice and more, families in modern day society are busier than ever. Sadly, it’s human connection that gets sacrificed along the way, which research shows is the number one factor to the breakdown of the family unit. Even families with grown children miss asking the kinds of questions that would allow them to develop deeper bonds at the Thanksgiving dinner table.
Whether it’s sitting around the campfire at the cottage, during a visit with the grandparents or while driving your kids to their first day of university, participants of the Tribe Certified Program will have lifetime access to the Family Fun Time resource. It poses questions that have been psychologically proven to bring families closer together than ever before.
Date Night
Let’s face it, intimate partnerships take work to thrive, and any expert will tell you the number one factor for success is communication. In the beginning, the connection between couples is palpable as they enjoy asking each other life’s most interesting questions. Unfortunately, years later too many relationships no longer invest in this type of exchange, while opting to focus on more “pragmatic” discussions.
The emotional, psychological, spiritual and intellectual connection between intimate partners depends upon the effort two people make to have powerful and meaningful conversations. With questions like, “What do I do to make you feel most loved”, or “Of all our accomplishments as a couple, which one are you most proud of”, the Date Night resource will help your employees build a relationship that stands the test of time.

No Regrets
There is nothing better than a meaningful human connection. Learning the intricate details of a person's life, listening to their wild adventures and getting their take on important topics is an invaluable experience for everyone involved.
For that reason, Stuart Knight created the "No Regrets" experience to facilitate the most important conversations life has to offer now, before the eventual day where we no longer can. By creating Human Hot Spots using QR technology, we give those living in palliative care, hospices or with an aging loved one access to "on the spot" questions that create intimate moments of laughter, reflection, love and connection. Whether it’s amongst friends at a retirement home, between a nurse and patient in a healthcare facility, or while a father and son share a beer at the end of the dock, this experience gives people the conversation they yearn for, while providing profound mental and physical benefits.
It’s an investment in life. Now and forever.
Other personal resources we provide include...
Connections with kids
Community connections
Conversation Clubs
And more!